First Impressions Are Hard To Erase

But Prototype 2 certainly erased my impression of the first one! I had played the first one and didn’t really care for it, but I did see potential in the series, and that is what propelled me to buy the second one.

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Two Thursdays ago I purchased the game Prototype 2 and spent a good portion of that weekend playing through the game. I was yearning for a little more after fully completing the game, side missions and all. The only thing I really had left to do was completely upgrade my character, but that consisted of aimlessly flying around the open world New York landscape searching for enemies with consumable upgrades. So instead I started playing the game on insane difficulty. I haven’t gotten very far yet, so it’s still fairly easy. It was very interesting to watch a series change so drastically into a much better game. As gameinformer said, “radical has come out of the prototyping phase”. Awful pun aside I definitely agree. I see the original Prototype much more like a little test run. I’m glad it turned out to be a good game, because it is one of those games that just makes you feel like a legitimate badass. Every time you gain a new ability, you explore new ways to wreck havoc. And by the end of the game with everything upgraded nothing can even put a dent in you. So you get to cruise around New York Zero destroying things at will. and when all is said and done, isn’t that what a video game should be about?

So what do you think of Prototype 2, emerging series, or video games in general? Let me know in a comment!

What Would Make Black Ops 2 a Million times Better

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Now this point will greatly determine how much I enjoy Black Ops two. Whether or not it includes a zombies portion of the game. I am a person who thoroughly enjoys the zombie mode on Call of Duty. And I really don’t know whether to expect or a zombie mode or not. There are reasons why they would and wouldn’t. The Easter egg on the moon map seemed to be the finale of the zombie story line, I’m not exactly sure where they could go. But on the other hand it would seem strange for Treyarch to just drop the zombie mode, especially since the original Black Ops had a zombies mode. I think it would just be a tad strange if Black Ops 2 did not have zombies. And I mean come on, Call of Duty is a huge franchise so they really should put the extra effort into the game. And if Zombies isn’t in the new Black Ops, I am afraid it would be replaced with Infinity Ward’s inferior counterpart, Spec Ops or whatever. I also just think that the Zombie mode of call of duty has taken on a life of its own. Call me a bit of a fanatic, but I would totally buy a game that was solely zombie mode from Call of Duty. So yeah I’m losing sight of my point, Black Ops 2 should absotivily have a Zombie mode. for real.

What do you think about Zombies, Cod, or FPS’s in general? Let me know in a comment!

What I Think About the Next Cod Game

Call of Duty games are famous (or infamous) for really bad campaigns and extremely addicting Multi-player. I’m sure the next instalment of the series will be no exception, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Despite my negative disposition to the Call of Duty franchise, I must admit I was excited when I saw the trailer for the coming game. Partly because it’s being made by Treyarch, which, in my opinion, is far more superior than Infinity Ward.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m not excited for the campaign one bit, even thought that was all the trailer was about. I’m excited for the Multi-player. Even though I know it will just be the same recycled gameplay, it will entertain me in a slightly cheap way, but entertain me none the less. Also since this is the first Cod game to take place in the future, I am curios to see if they make up a few guns, which could give some very much needed diversity to gun choice.

So what do you think of Black Ops 2, Cod, or FPS’s in general? Let me know in a comment!

One of the Craziest Games I’ve Ever Played

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It was this game where you played as the infamous shark known as jaws, and it was called Jaws Unleashed. It was a fairly simple game and I do believe almost all of the fun came from how cool you felt by being a shark. You know, you could just swim around eating people that so foolishly swam into the deeper waters of Amity Islands. Oh but people on the shallow ends certainly were not safe, and not even the people on shore! One of my favorite things to do was swim as fast as I could toward the beach jump out of the water onto land and chow down on the unsuspecting land dwellers.

Throughout the campaign the game does a very good job at making you feel like a badass. Whether it be destroying entire science labs, fleets of ships, or tailing speed boats. But the most memorable badass moments were when you fight Shamoo in Seaworld, and when you fight a Giant Squid in the deep dark depths of the ocean.Which I do believe was the game’s finale.  I know the videos look pretty bad but keep in mind that it was a semi half assed game released in 2006. One thing I enjoyed about this game was that it didn’t take itself too seriously, but at the same time it wasn’t too ridiculous.

I’m not exactly sure what happened to that game, but I lost track of it a couple years ago. All in all it was an entertaining game with a fairly long story mode, and after talking about it and remembering how fun it was, if I saw that game at a game store I very well might re-buy it, so I may play it again

So what do you think about Jaws Unleashed, Jaws, or semi-joke games in general? Let me know in a comment!

Looking Good So Far

Today I managed to get down to the game store and purchase [Prototype2]. After that my mom wanted to go into the “As seen on TV” store, where I was pleasantly surprised to spark a lengthy conversation about the Prototype games with the person working at the store. After that was over we went back to the house and I stated playing my freshly purchased game. I didn’t get too much play time but I think it’s safe to say that Prototype 2 is astoundingly better than its predecessor and will be a game that I thoroughly enjoy playing. I will most likely do a more in depth post about Prototype 2 next week when I’ve had sufficient play time. But until then,

What do you think of Prototype2,  or games in general? Let me know in a comment!

The Best of the Best

When I made a post about my favorite Youtube series I thought it would maybe be a good post idea to pick some of my favorite episodes. So that’s what this post is, but that turned out to be much harder than I thought. It was so hard to pick because I loved each episode so much, in the end, I suppose I mostly picked the episodes that stood out most in my memory.

I couldn’t possibly put them in any certain order, so here are my top 5 favorite episodes of Two Best Friends Play


Two Best Friends Play: Deadly Premonition


Two Best Friends Play: Xbox Live Indie Games


Two Best Friends Play: Man Vs. Wild

Two Best Friends Play: Dead Rising 2 Off the Record


Two Best Friends Play: Prison Break


Honestly it would probably have been easier to make a list of the Two Best Friends episodes that aren’t the best. But I had much more fun reminiscing in the amazing times instead of instead of really good times. So in case you haven’t noticed by now I’m a pretty hard core fan of Matt and Pat.

So what do you think of my favorite episodes, Two Best Friends, or Youtube Game commentators in general? Let me know in a comment!

Was I Right, or Was I Right?

I’m actually not so sure. Today [Prototype2] came out, and as none of you will remember, I did my very first post about the [Prototype] series. To sum it up, I said [Prototype] sucked, but it has potential as a series, just as Assassin’s Creed sucked, but turned into a great series. I’m not hyped enough about [Prototype2] to run down to Gamestop and buy it today, but I’ll definitely get it sometime this week. In the mean time, here’s a trailer for [Prototype2]:



I have really high hopes for the game after seeing this trailer, because it proves that a huge effort was made to insert a more interesting story into Prototype 2. I also really like the song choice it goes really well with the trailer.

What do you think of Prototype 2, newly released games, or video games in general? Let me know in a comment!

Astounding Simplicity

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I recently finished playing Paper Mario:_The_Thousand-Year_Door for the Gamecube, and now I am currently playing through Super_Paper_Mario for the Wii. One thing that surprised me, which I suppose shouldn’t surprise me at all, was how simple of a game it is. Of course when I first played through the game it was anything but simple. The combat system was easily mastered, and the puzzles didn’t seem hard at all, but it was a fun game none the less.

These were two of my favorite games as a kid and it has been a lot of fun replaying them. I do wish I could somehow re-experience my very first play through of these games, because it takes out a considerable amount of fun considering I remember how to complete every single puzzle. The most infamous puzzle in my memory is the one in Twilight Town. I didn’t know how to look stuff up on the internet, so I had to figure out this behemoth on my own. The part I was stuck at was the part where you had to get the bird to talk. Even though a good portion of my first play through was spent racking my brain trying to figure out how to complete this level, it was so incredibly satisfying when I finally did so. As opposed to my precise completion of  it this time around.

What do you think of Paper Mario, or games in general? Let me know in a comment!

Creed’s Getting Real

Today I went and pre-ordered Assassin’s Creed III and as a lot of you may know, when you do so you get a super sexy collectors edition case.

Yeah this has gotten me incredibly hyped for Assassin’s Creed III. I have been intrigued by one thing in particular by getting this, the fact that he is half Native American. When the first cover artwork was released everyone started saying that, but I wasn’t sure how they knew that. Looking at this cover makes it seems pretty clear that that is indeed the case. But I digress. I wonder at the possibilities regarding his Native American heritage. Was he raised by Native Americans? How were Native Americans accepted into the assassin order? Are the Assassins working directly with the American revolutionists? Is America a completely Assassin ruled nation? and just the idea of seeing Templars and Assassins in colonial America seems so incredibly cool. The only thing that kind of annoys me about this collector case is the rating… rating pending? really? I never understood why series with many installments with the same rating ever have a rating pending logo. Of course I understand when it comes to completely new games, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that a game that has cover art of a shady figure wielding a tomahawk and pistol will be rated M.

Yeah, the artwork is shiny and looks amazing. Also its made of metal.

This game is going to be simply amazing, no doubt about it.  I am very excited to see how Assassins and Templars have adapted to more modern times. The game comes out in November, so we have a while to wait. But this means it’ll be coming out during next school year, and I’m taking American history next year. So I’ll really know whats going on.

So what do you think of Assassin’s Creed III, RP ratings, or gaming in general? Let me know with a comment!

The Wonderful World of Modding

While entering the world of modding, I had a bit of a rough start, but I think I’m getting the hang of it. I’ve only tried modding Skyrim so far which should be easy with nexus mod manager. But it kept on coming up with an error message, and instead of trying to fix it I tried my luck at dealing with manually installing the mods. This proved to be foolish and incredibly frustrating.

I would like to say I quickly gave up on this endeavor, but sadly I did not. I spent a great deal of time trying to figure it out, until I resorted to uninstalling and then re-installing Skyrim and Nexus mod manager. Luckily, that worked. But even now I don’t fully understand how to work Nexus mod manager, and I may completely switch to steam workshop. Which is easy to use, one button and done.

Yeah not very exciting pic, but what do you expect? I’m just talking about mods…

That is not to say I haven’t had success, I have gotten the majority of my mods to work. But I do feel as though I need to be careful with modding. People always talk about people who are sensitive to mods that are “lore breaking”, I don’t care so much about breaking lore, as I do breaking the game. What I mean by that is, I don’t want to mod in the most powerful spells and armor of all time. I enjoy playing games like this because I can see the progress I make, and see my hard work pay off by getting sweet armor. If I just modded in overpowered stuff the game would be ruined for me. So most of the mods I will be adding will be graphic, design, and extra quest mods.

What do you think of mods, PC gaming, or games in general let me know in a comment!