Elder Scrolls MMO?

Image From donthatethegeek.com

This was something that, for better or worse, was bound to happen. Due to the elder scrolls being a popular RPG with a fairly dedicated following some company was bound to jump on the opportunity to make an MMORPG based on the elder scrolls world. Yeah… I don’t really know what to think about this. The Elder Scrolls has been a franchise I’ve really enjoyed. Each of their games have been thoroughly enjoying and honestly I don’t like the idea of a Elder Scrolls MMO. All fantasy MMOs are the same the only difference is how popular it is. So I certainly will not be partaking in this game. Mostly because I play games to have fun not to get addicted to them, and I know from experience that that is what MMORPGs do. My experience comes from the times I call “my dark days of gaming”, which is in which I played World of Warcraft. Yeah I know it’s pretty bad, but this was quite a long time ago. About 4 years ago to be exact, when I was young, dumb, and impressionable. So I suppose I’m getting a little off track, so whats the bottom line? Well I think this game will do extremely well, but I think it would be cooler if they made an online fallout. Because fallout has a completely unique landscape, story, and so on. It would be much more original, and I love originality.

So what do you think of Elder Scrolls, MMORPGS, or online games in general? Let me know in a comment!

First Impressions Are Hard To Erase

But Prototype 2 certainly erased my impression of the first one! I had played the first one and didn’t really care for it, but I did see potential in the series, and that is what propelled me to buy the second one.

Image From prototype.wikia.com

Two Thursdays ago I purchased the game Prototype 2 and spent a good portion of that weekend playing through the game. I was yearning for a little more after fully completing the game, side missions and all. The only thing I really had left to do was completely upgrade my character, but that consisted of aimlessly flying around the open world New York landscape searching for enemies with consumable upgrades. So instead I started playing the game on insane difficulty. I haven’t gotten very far yet, so it’s still fairly easy. It was very interesting to watch a series change so drastically into a much better game. As gameinformer said, “radical has come out of the prototyping phase”. Awful pun aside I definitely agree. I see the original Prototype much more like a little test run. I’m glad it turned out to be a good game, because it is one of those games that just makes you feel like a legitimate badass. Every time you gain a new ability, you explore new ways to wreck havoc. And by the end of the game with everything upgraded nothing can even put a dent in you. So you get to cruise around New York Zero destroying things at will. and when all is said and done, isn’t that what a video game should be about?

So what do you think of Prototype 2, emerging series, or video games in general? Let me know in a comment!

What Would Make Black Ops 2 a Million times Better

Image From mapmodnews.com

Now this point will greatly determine how much I enjoy Black Ops two. Whether or not it includes a zombies portion of the game. I am a person who thoroughly enjoys the zombie mode on Call of Duty. And I really don’t know whether to expect or a zombie mode or not. There are reasons why they would and wouldn’t. The Easter egg on the moon map seemed to be the finale of the zombie story line, I’m not exactly sure where they could go. But on the other hand it would seem strange for Treyarch to just drop the zombie mode, especially since the original Black Ops had a zombies mode. I think it would just be a tad strange if Black Ops 2 did not have zombies. And I mean come on, Call of Duty is a huge franchise so they really should put the extra effort into the game. And if Zombies isn’t in the new Black Ops, I am afraid it would be replaced with Infinity Ward’s inferior counterpart, Spec Ops or whatever. I also just think that the Zombie mode of call of duty has taken on a life of its own. Call me a bit of a fanatic, but I would totally buy a game that was solely zombie mode from Call of Duty. So yeah I’m losing sight of my point, Black Ops 2 should absotivily have a Zombie mode. for real.

What do you think about Zombies, Cod, or FPS’s in general? Let me know in a comment!

What I Think About the Next Cod Game

Call of Duty games are famous (or infamous) for really bad campaigns and extremely addicting Multi-player. I’m sure the next instalment of the series will be no exception, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Despite my negative disposition to the Call of Duty franchise, I must admit I was excited when I saw the trailer for the coming game. Partly because it’s being made by Treyarch, which, in my opinion, is far more superior than Infinity Ward.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m not excited for the campaign one bit, even thought that was all the trailer was about. I’m excited for the Multi-player. Even though I know it will just be the same recycled gameplay, it will entertain me in a slightly cheap way, but entertain me none the less. Also since this is the first Cod game to take place in the future, I am curios to see if they make up a few guns, which could give some very much needed diversity to gun choice.

So what do you think of Black Ops 2, Cod, or FPS’s in general? Let me know in a comment!

One of the Craziest Games I’ve Ever Played

Image From xbox.gamespy.com

It was this game where you played as the infamous shark known as jaws, and it was called Jaws Unleashed. It was a fairly simple game and I do believe almost all of the fun came from how cool you felt by being a shark. You know, you could just swim around eating people that so foolishly swam into the deeper waters of Amity Islands. Oh but people on the shallow ends certainly were not safe, and not even the people on shore! One of my favorite things to do was swim as fast as I could toward the beach jump out of the water onto land and chow down on the unsuspecting land dwellers.

Throughout the campaign the game does a very good job at making you feel like a badass. Whether it be destroying entire science labs, fleets of ships, or tailing speed boats. But the most memorable badass moments were when you fight Shamoo in Seaworld, and when you fight a Giant Squid in the deep dark depths of the ocean.Which I do believe was the game’s finale.  I know the videos look pretty bad but keep in mind that it was a semi half assed game released in 2006. One thing I enjoyed about this game was that it didn’t take itself too seriously, but at the same time it wasn’t too ridiculous.

I’m not exactly sure what happened to that game, but I lost track of it a couple years ago. All in all it was an entertaining game with a fairly long story mode, and after talking about it and remembering how fun it was, if I saw that game at a game store I very well might re-buy it, so I may play it again

So what do you think about Jaws Unleashed, Jaws, or semi-joke games in general? Let me know in a comment!

Looking Good So Far

Today I managed to get down to the game store and purchase [Prototype2]. After that my mom wanted to go into the “As seen on TV” store, where I was pleasantly surprised to spark a lengthy conversation about the Prototype games with the person working at the store. After that was over we went back to the house and I stated playing my freshly purchased game. I didn’t get too much play time but I think it’s safe to say that Prototype 2 is astoundingly better than its predecessor and will be a game that I thoroughly enjoy playing. I will most likely do a more in depth post about Prototype 2 next week when I’ve had sufficient play time. But until then,

What do you think of Prototype2,  or games in general? Let me know in a comment!

Was I Right, or Was I Right?

I’m actually not so sure. Today [Prototype2] came out, and as none of you will remember, I did my very first post about the [Prototype] series. To sum it up, I said [Prototype] sucked, but it has potential as a series, just as Assassin’s Creed sucked, but turned into a great series. I’m not hyped enough about [Prototype2] to run down to Gamestop and buy it today, but I’ll definitely get it sometime this week. In the mean time, here’s a trailer for [Prototype2]:



I have really high hopes for the game after seeing this trailer, because it proves that a huge effort was made to insert a more interesting story into Prototype 2. I also really like the song choice it goes really well with the trailer.

What do you think of Prototype 2, newly released games, or video games in general? Let me know in a comment!

Ignorance Was Bliss

I recently was able to sit down and read this month’s issue of game informer, who’s main story pertained to Halo 4. At first it got me really excited, the things they were doing with the story line seemed interesting and it looked as though they would bring interesting new aspects to a classic game. But as I read on every thing in the article boiled down to: “We are bringing completely new aspects to this game, but don’t worry it will still be exactly like a halo game. Even though we are changing everything, but we’re changing everything because Halo must evolve!” It went back and forth like this for a while until I came to a comment that startled me a bit. it went something like this, “We are making Halo 4 a very familiar game, to get gamers back in the shoes of Halo before we take it in a completely new direction.” All I can say is, I hope 343 Industries knows what their doing.

Despite all that I was still very excited for the story mode, but then I got to the multiplayer part of the article. What they were describing sounded like a regular Call of Duty game. Ranks, XP, “Spartan Points”, Classes, Instant Re-spawn, unlockables that change gameplay which you get as you progress the ranks, these things will no doubt make the game much more addicting and re-playable but in a very cheap way. Its just not really in the Halo way, In past Halo games a noob theoretically had just as much of a chance of winning as a pro, but with the introduction of being able to purchase items that change gameplay, that is out the window. These changes may seem small, but the developers said these were only the first changes of many. I just hope Halo doesn’t fall into the crowd. I hope it still distinguishes itself among the countless first person shooters.

What do you think about Halo 4, Its changes, or gaming in general? Let me know in a comment!

New Discoveries of Old Games

For some reason I don’t recall how to complete the Super Paper Mario puzzles as much as I did the Gamecube version. But one thing I did notice This time around is that one of my favorite characters, Dimentio, is Italian! This shouldn’t really be a surprise in a Mario game, but it wasn’t exactly obvious to me as a kid. When saying farewell to people Dementio always says “Cioa”. But given my limited knowledge of foreign languages at the time, I thought he was saying something along the lines of “Saow”, instead of the casual Italian phrase for hey and bye.

And yes it is Italian, because that is the way “Cioa” is spelled in Italian. And his mask is definitely an Italian style theater mask. So I guess it’s true what they say, you can always discover something new about something old. I don’t know if  people actually say that but it sounds like something people would say.

So what do you think of Dimentio, Italians, or games in general? Let me know in a comment!

My Team

I’m not exactly proud of it, but I got pretty sucked into the Pokemon on my PC. and considering my gaming time has been limited at best, I decided to do a post about it.

This time around I decided to go with one of the most well rounded teams I could think of, while still throwing in a few of my favorites where I could. My favorite Pokemon of all time being Charizard.

It has been very fun having a completely original season Pokemon team, since the original Pokemon designs were by far the best.

So what do you think of my team, Pokemon, or games in general? Let me know in a comment!